Caring More for Our Mental Health

I passionately believe that we need parity of esteem between physical and mental health, and I will fight so folk have better access to mental health provision. Having been spurred into politics following the devastation of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Outbreak, I saw the mental toll it took on communities once the army had been stood down and the animal culls ended. In Parliament, I’ve continued to work with the 3 Dads Walking to get more mental health support and awareness into schools, I triggered a Parliamentary report into Rural Mental Health and I am an officer of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention.

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Caring More for Our Mental Health

I passionately believe that we need parity of esteem between physical and mental health, and I will fight so folk have better access to mental health provision.


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Herald Column: January

I wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Your support has been the driving force behind the positive changes we have achieved in 2023.