The weather was kind last Saturday for the official opening of the new community pump track in Bolton. Peter Griffiths, the Vice Chairman of Bolton Parish Council welcomed the large crowd, and thanked all those who had donated funds, services and volunteer time to enable completion of this world class track. Dr Neil Hudson, MP, performed the ceremony, cutting the ribbon holding two bike chains together. Adult and kids alike had a whale of a time, wearing themselves out on bikes and scooters. Families also enjoyed bacon and sausage butties provided by Low Howgill butchers and cakes and drinks sold by parents to raise funds for the school and nursery.
The idea of the pump track was conceived in 2020, as there were few facilities in the village to cater for older kids and attract young families to live in the area. Cycling is a sustainable, healthy and fun activity, but was not safe on the village roads. Included in the project is a large wooden gazebo to provide shade for onlookers, and a sheltered outdoor space for meetings and picnics.
The project has taken longer than expected to reach fruition because of the layers of bureaucracy connected to planning and drainage permissions. Once these hurdles were overcome, the contractor Velosolutions jumped into action, and the track appeared in no time.
The Council received grants from British Cycling, the National Lottery Community Fund, Cumbria County Council, and the Hadfield Trust. Eden Grove Developments gave a very generous donation, as did several local companies and individual. Just as important was the use of Metcalfe’s equipment for no charge, and the donated materials from Aggregate Industries and Waitings. Their generosity was amazing.
The project was mainly managed by Peter Griffiths, the Vice Chairman of Bolton PC, and Shelagh Leyland, the Parish Clerk. Tom Wilcox of Reagill was indispensable in mobilising the material support which enabled the track to be extended.
Dr Hudson said “I was delighted to be able to officially open the fantastic new pump track facility in Bolton. This project has had my full support throughout and I am thrilled it has now come to fruition. This is a remarkable community achievement, an excellent example of the local community working together to produce a fantastic resource that people can enjoy for their physical and mental health and wellbeing.”