Whilst it is disappointing that the planned Penrith Family VE Day event could not go ahead, I would like to thank Penrith Town Council and all those involved in their innovative efforts to bring together people from Penrith and the surrounding area, as they marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day from their homes.
Tributes included members of Penrith Town Band playing The Last Post and Reveille from their gardens and doorsteps so that it might be heard across Penrith, the piper's rendition of Battles O’er and VE 75 shared via the Town Council's social media ahead of the Nation's Toast, and a recording of The Cry for Peace, which I was honoured to be a part of. To watch the video of this please visit: https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/ORVuCAN35C51jllCGKMZD?domain=vimeo.com
On this, the 75th anniversary of VE Day, we pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of British, Commonwealth and Allied soldiers, evacuees and those who worked on the home-front; at a time when we face arguably the greatest challenge since the end of the Second World War. Now more than ever, when we are required to keep our physical distance, it is important that we remember we are all in this together.
Thank you again for your efforts to commemorate those we honour on this historic day.